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Edge Express: Prioritizing Food Safety in Schools: An Essential Approach

In the next few sections, we will explore the various aspects of food safety in schools—from the importance of proper handling to the role of regulations and the responsibility of stakeholders. Children are particularly vulnerable to foodborne pathogens, and an outbreak can have severe consequences. Ensuring food safety in schools is not merely a matter of providing healthy meals; it is about safeguarding the health of students and preventing foodborne illnesses.

Edge Express: Thinking Outside the Standard Menu Lineup

I SMILED FROM EAR TO EAR as I read the May 4th menu at the hospital cafeteria. I ordered the General Hux Tauntaun bowl and somehow it tasted even better than the normal General Tso Bowl that I typically order (although it was the exact same menu item). I’m not even a Star Wars fanatic and this meal made my day! I was impressed by the efforts of the cafeteria team embracing this popular “holiday” with menu branding based on the blockbuster movies. 

Edge: Beneficial Beverages

AS YOU ARE SITTING DOWN TO READ THIS ARTICLE, do you have your favorite beverage in hand? If not, please go grab one, or at least bring your favorite beverage to mind. Now that you have your beverage in hand or mind, take a moment to think about why it is your personal favorite.

Edge: 9 Time Management Tips for Foodservice Leaders

2,400 MINUTES — that’s what you’ll find in a 40-hour work week to accomplish every task on your plate. That might sound like a lot, but you know that those minutes fly by faster than a hot knife through butter. Between managing staff, ensuring food quality, and administrative struggles, time always seems in short supply, and unfortunately there’s no way to increase this precious commodity. All is not lost, though. Luckily, there are many tips that can help you make the most of each minute!

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